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Help and FAQs
We do everything we can to ensure that buying and downloading our games is trouble free. Even so, things can go wrong! Let us help get you
back on track with these FAQs and answers.
If you are experiencing difficulties, here are some common solutions:
Password Queries
Once you have purchased the game, you will usually receive one email confirming the sale and another separate email providing either the link and/or password you need to download the game or details of where to get these from. When entering your password, remember that it is CASE SENSITIVE and should be a combination of letters and numbers. Your password is NOT your sale reference number. If you ordered the game a long time ago, your password may no longer be valid, for security reasons.
Download (PDF) problems
If, after downloading the introduction, you are asked by your computer which program you want to open the file with, this means that you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or that it is not properly installed. In either case go to Adobe’s website and download the latest version.
If the PDF file opens but is not displayed correctly (missing words/pictures characters etc.), then you probably do not have the latest version of the Reader. Again, visit Adobe to solve this problem.
Once you have entered the password and started to download the game, the pages will appear one at a time. You must wait for all of the pages to download before you start to print the game, otherwise you will be left with parts of the file missing. The time this takes will vary a lot depending on your location/connection/computer etc. If for any reason you become disconnected while downloading, you will have to start over again.
If you are using Internet Explorer and are having problems downloading a game, try right-clicking the link to the game and choosing “save target as” from the menu. Choose a place to save the game to and then click OK. Once the game is downloaded, go to the place you saved the game to and double-click on the file to open it.
Alternatively, it may be that you lost your Internet connection while you were downloading and this scrambled some of it. Check your connection and try again.
Our games are come as standard (password protected) PDF files or ZIP folders. These work on almost any modern computer operating system including Windows, Apple and smartphones with a PDF reader installed.
Does it matter if I don’t yet know exactly how many people are coming to the party?
No, it does not matter, providing the final number is within the range the game is meant for (6-8 people, 6-20 people, 14-40 people or whatever). With some games, we provide you with a table showing which characters you must use and which you can drop. With others, some people get to observe and crime-solve rather than play an actual character.
Can I edit the game or make it into a Word file?
Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, we cannot allow the editing of our games or their conversion between file formats. Please see our terms and conditions for more details.
I want to run the game commercially/on multiple occasions/as part of my business. Can I do that?
You must purchase a commercial license from us or contact us to discuss your plans for the game.
Can you put the game in the post for me?
The purpose of this site is to be automated. We no longer provide printed versions of our games except when we also come and run them (see below). However, your password should work on any PC for at least 6 months after purchase if you are unable to get to a printer straight away.
Can you run our game for us?
Our company is based in London in the UK. If you are planning to hold your murder mystery in or near there, we may be able to provide an actor or actors to run it for you after you’ve printed it out and put it together. Depending on where you are, we may even be able to do everything for you: print out the game, put it together and come and run it for you. Go to Best Value on our Murder Mystery and Mayhem site for more on this or contact us here about it. Again, this mostly applies to group events in the UK but, if you have the budget for it, we will travel beyond the UK, too.
Can you give me advice on costumes/menus/acting etc?
The UK version of this site has plenty of useful information about costuming. Go to Murder Mystery Costume Guide for more on this. For other ideas and information, look our for what’s being talked about in our blog and our Facebook page. .
Still need more help?
If you cannot find the solution for your problem on the site, contact Murder Mystery Games for human assistance.